
Tri-Valley Haven provides counseling for those experiencing difficulties relating to challenging emotional issues, domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and other abusive situations.

Our weekly, facilitated support groups are confidential and help in the trauma healing process. The Haven also offers individual, free and low-cost, sliding scale therapy with professional therapists for survivors of domestic violence or sexual assault and their family members.

Individual Counseling

Tri-Valley Haven provides therapy for those experiencing difficulties related to domestic violence, sexual assault or other abusive situations and for those who are facing challenging emotional issues. We provide individual and family counseling, up to 10 sessions at no cost along with the opportunity to attend our free Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Support groups.

For more information or questions, please call 925-667-2705 and for a counseling intake call 925-449-5845 ext 5 or fill in the ‘Counseeling Intake’ form below.

Domestic Violence

Group Counseling

Sexual Assault

Group Counseling

Asesoramiento Individual 

En este momento, no contamos con un consejero bilingüe para asesoramiento individual o grupos de apoyo. Si busca más información, utilice el complemento situado en la parte superior del sitio web para cambiar de idioma. Disculpe las molestias.

Para obtener más información o preguntas, llame al
925-667-2705 y para una admisión de consejería llame al
925-449-5845 ext 5 o complete el formulario
‘Consejería de admisión’.

Crisis Calls

Pounds of Food Distributed

DV Bednights

Backpacks distributed

Connect with Us

Tri-Valley Haven Community Building:
3663 Pacific Avenue, Livermore, CA 94550

Counseling and Administrative Offices:

Crisis Line:


“Creating Homes Safe From Abuse”